Sunday, November 28, 2010

Best of Photography 2010

Моята работа спечелила 4-то място, заедно с всички останали победители и финалисти на 30th Annual Spring Photography Contest беше включена в книгата Best of Photography 2010 .
My work has been published in a book Best of Photography 2010. All Winners, Honorable Mentions and Finalists of 30th Annual Spring Photography Contest are featured in the hardcover Best of Photography 2010.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Black Sea coast, Bulgaria

Friday, September 10, 2010

30th Annual Spring Photography Contest

В края на август бях приятно изненадан с 4-то място в "30th Annual Spring Photography Contest" на списание "Photographer's Forum magazine"
I am pleased to announce that my image won 4th place in the 30th Annual Spring Photography Contest, sponsored by Photographer’s Forum magazine and Sigma.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Evening sea

Black Sea coast, Bulgaria

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Unfinished pier

Созопол/ Sozopol

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Exhibition "Picture of the year Bulgaria 2009"

Exhibition "Picture of the year Bulgaria 2009"
National Art Gallery, 1 Knyaz Battenberg Square, Sofia, Bulgaria
...I am pleased to announce that one of my photos will be exhibited.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Фотобюлетин. PhotoBulletin Issue 3

The main theme of the issue is "Sea". PhotoBulletin presents two authors, one from Bulgaria - this is me and one from Turkey ... and what a pleasant surprise, this is one of my favorite authors- Ebru Sidar!

Фотобюлетин. PhotoBulletin

Фотобюлетин бр. 3
Основна тема на броя е "Море".
1. Извадки от статията на Стоян Г. Георгиев "75 години организирано фотографско движение в България (1897 -1972 г.)" - В.А.З.А.
2. "Adobe Photoshop CS5 - магьосникът от силиконовата долина - I-ва част" - Ваня Абаджиева-Бучел
3. Фотобюлетин представя – Ебру Сидар - Турция
4. Фотобюлетин представя – Самуил Величков
5. Light into the dark, light into the light - Венета Захариева
6. Щипка сол /солен печат/ - Петър Влахов
7. Комикс - Николай Димитров

Fotoblur Magazine Issue 3 - Fall 2009

Брой 3 на списание "Fotoblur Magazine" с една от моите снимки в него.

Monday, May 24, 2010